TikTok Challenge 2024

In March 2024, I participated in a challenge run by The Knowledge Society, where teams worked to create a solution to a problem statement given by an outside organization. Within the four week period, each team had to create a slide deck explaining their solution, and a video presenting their deck. For this challenge, we received a problem statement from a two TikTok Executives, which stated:

"How can TikTok separate itself as the most favorable platform for educational creators to monetize and build their businesses on the platform?"

My team consisted of Zayna Dilawar, Sydney Korzyniowski, Neha Nair, and myself, and we created a solution called TikTok Fliks. With this, TikTok’s home page would contain a new page for longer videos, called “fliks”, in addition to the shorter videos it already contains. Here are some of the features this new setting would have:

A New Homepage Setting

In addition to the “Following” and “For You” headings at the top of the current homepage, we propose adding a third one, titled “Fliks”. This way, users don’t have to leave the platform to watch long-form content, but it doesn’t interfere with the current TikTok experience.

Flik Previews

On the current TikTok page, creators will be able to clip long-form content and upload them as normal TikToks. While watching the user can then click a button on the clip that takes them to the full Flik. That way, creators can spread their content to a wider audience and users will be able to seamlessly transition between the two video forms.

More Like This

Another key component of our solution is the “More like this” page, which allows users to see long-form content similar to what they’re watching currently. This works using TikTok’s current tagging system, allowing a smooth integration into their software.

Overall, we believe that these additions would significantly help to boost educational content on TikTok, as the majority of these videos are long-form. We also think that they would help to increase revenue for TikTok because users would be able to watch longer videos there instead of other platforms.

As a group, we faced a lot of challenges while working on this challenge. We struggled to come up with an idea at the beginning, and that took up a big portion of the one month we had to complete it. Once we established our idea, however, we all put in a lot of effort and created a really good deck submission.

With this submission, we were able to make it to the top 6 submissions and are awaiting to see the results of the finals. I am so proud of my team and what we accomplished, and am very excited to see what happens next.

If you are interested in seeing our slide deck submission, click here :)


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